Tuesday 24 November 2015

Why there should be no Christmas

I think we should have Christmas But in away I don't because maybe we should be using this money that we spend to give to people who really need it.Children are born into poverty everyday without food to keep them healthy if we donate just a little of our Christmas money instead of just giving it away to our friends and family we might be able to change that.We spend enough money on Christmas that we could change the lives of 100's and thousands of kids and people in need. I'm not saying that there should be no Christmas because there are pros about this day.Its a day to celebrate with family members and a day to have fun.But some people take Christmas for a day where you only get gifts and money is spent on you.why we do this we just don't know maybe its the perspective of Christmas that other people make us believe in.Or we are just greedy.Maybe we should stop wanting thing and just think about giving.But the human race in the past has not been very good at that.But overall I think 50/50 that we should have Christmas.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Act of kindness that does not cost

An act of kindness is to help people in need or maybe not even that to sum it up  a act of kindness is doing something for someone or something that is helpful.I think that a good way to show kindness that does not cost is to help people in need like someone hurt, you could like ring the ambulance for someone in need or it. Or you could help a old person do her shopping or things like that. You could look after you ness or sibling or someone  that is younger then you. Maybe you could bake some cookies for people at the retirement home I also think maybe just saying hello to someone that is feeling down or chatting with them.Just helping someone in need is mainly what you could do.Maybe letting people playing a sport game that you a playing.The one that I would do is helping someone being bullied and standing up for them because they cant do it themselves and also sticking with your friend  and not ditching them and also helping with someone who is stuck on a maths question or something like that.You could even just help someone that is having trouble with walking because they have a injury and you could help them.

Thursday 13 August 2015

What subject I think we will not be learning in 50 years

I don't think we will be learning how to use computers because by that time I think virtual reality would have been made by then. Where things can be done by voice command and by thinking. I also think we wont need to read because maybe there will be something that reads to us like emails or books . I think we will be learning in 50 years is how to engineer machines like cars or motorbikes or we might be learning how to drive at a earlier age. We might be taught how to grow plants properly or how to cut down trees. Maybe we might be learning how to fire a gun if a war is going on. Or PE Or how to put a gas mask on. We could be learning how to talk to a computer to paint. Or we could be taught how to get a collateral on call of duty 24. And there might be different schools for the career that parents want there children to have like Engineer school or IT school. There could even be a hunting school where kids learn to hunt and survive in the wilderness. There could be House designing at primary school. Self-defence could be taught at all schools. I don't think we will be learning how to maths because there might be a new thing that we have to learn at school like how to build and paint buildings or walls. But we will never know what we will learn in the future until it is the future.

 By Davin

My opinion for tech day

For tech day I think we should have a character dress up day where you can dress up as anyone be it a game movie show book whatever you want. You can bring accessories for your character like if I was Altair from assassins creed I could bring a plastic hidden blade or if I was dressed up as a soldier I would bring what a soldier had you get the deal. There will be no judging who's got the best costume because that just ruins the fun. It should be a free day where you can do what you please when you please. Games like flag attack and tackle bulrush can be played Football Whatever the choice is yours. I think this is a good idea to have this day because it involves us getting outside instead of like staying and watching a movie and it also does not involve us bringing too much to school. 

Thursday 25 June 2015


Matariki is the name given to the Maori new year it starts mid winter or may or late June. Matariki means eyes of god or little eyes.Maori's often share a kai for celebration of a new year.Often big shows will happen because of matariki and people will stay up late to see the stars.Lots of myths and legends have been made about these stars but really there just stars.In the past people have seen stars and named them off themselves and some can appair in cool variations and constellations these can look like animals and mythical creatures these can sometimes be the start of a story that has been past down the ages as a legend.These storys can have an affect on a society and has a big affect on children.Matariki is about family getting together and celebrating the new year this can be fun as it brings family closer then they were before and making them happier all tho  matariki has not been made a public holiday it is still a very important thing to the people living in new zealand.Matariki is also quite fun for kids to learn about as they probably believe in the legends.With out a new year some peaple may loose hope especially farmers as they need the production.Matariki also celebrates lives of family that have past away over the years it can be an emotional event for some people.Over all matariki is a fun activity for family's all do my family don't really do it.
By davin          

Monday 8 June 2015

Safe or sorry

I think that there should not be a limit for screen time  and that the person that is having the screen time should decide.You can get obese witch is quite bad but all the other things do not make sense like if you have to much screen time you wont be able to sleep so on and so  on.And limiting yourself to screen time is just an idiotic idea has we are advancing   in technology and its becoming a big part of our lives.But at the same time I really think we need to be out and active Otherwise we will get  unhealthy and depressed.When we were cavemen we ran around to get food we hunted but now we just pick up the phone and food comes while we sit and play Call of duty ADVANCED WARFARE.I really think we should keep having screen time but we need to stop using screen time for something to blame on.We need to have more activeness throughout our lives I agree Otherwise we might become the disastrous species that killed themselves off with Screens.Luckily that's not the case and we are doing all right at this time all doe new Zealand has a high obesity rate that we need to stop.Overall this is my opinion and this does not have to change you’re s this is just what I think and what I believe in. Thanks For READING  and I will be making a new post soon

By Davin Matthews

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Should we change the NZ flag?

I do think we should change the NZ flag.Flags represent our country and what we are and stand for. I don't think the flag we have now suits us as it is not very unique it looks like Australia's and Britons.So what do we stand for Hunting the great outdoors the food we eat. The natives, culture maybe its even the way we speak our language and the way we pronounce it.My input is that we put maybe a kiwi on side or a Tui or a pattern of some sort like a Maori pattern like a Marie or something of that kind.our rugby team,Phoenix,netball there is so many things to choose from to putt on our flag .All the different City’s maybe just have a big NEW ZEALAND on it Who knows the options are endless.Tuatara maybe islands or our marine life underwater dolphins whales who knows anything can go on the flag.its just you cant fit everything on the flag its like impossible so you would have to choose out everything I just said and more that’s pretty hard on the other hand  it also costs a lot of money 20 million dollars why bug a flag when we could spend that money on something else like building homes for the homeless or donating it for research on cancer and other dangerous diseases or a new and better stadium for sports in Wellington.I mean look at the possibilities of what we could do with that money or we could just go waist it on flag.

By Davin Matthews         

Wednesday 13 May 2015

The most Annoying sound to me

The most Annoying sound to me is when my alarm goes off on my phone, I’m sure I'm not the only one in my family who thinks that as it is really loud. I really need to turn it off but sometimes I think my family needs it as they aren't very good at getting up[Now I know where I get it from] so this is probably the most annoying sound to me for now but I'm sure that will change in the next few weeks as there are many to choose from Eg: Heater,static,loud radio [loud Sister] There are obvious ways to stop them but you just can't be bothered [WARNING DON’T TRY TO STOP SISTER] witch is probably why they are so annoying.If you think about this you will start to realise. There is a loud person outside your house yelling and  carrying on  it is 3 in the morning Its annoying because you don't want to drag your butt over to the window and tell him to shut up.So the moral is that Annoyance is most caused by the fact you just cant be screwed and that it never stops not matter what you do.Why we can't be bothered is the same reason we have obesity in the world WE DON'T KNOW so basically humans are destined to always have annoying sounds stuck in their heads no matter what scientists do say goodbye to the peace.

Author Davin Matthews
Hope you enjoyed

Thursday 30 April 2015

The World biggest problem

                                                                          Animal abuse
I think this is the worlds worst problem because we don't give them a chance we just use them to make medicine.I cant imagine them wanting this it is cruel and wrong.Humans claim that they were abducted by
aliens and tested on this is what the animals probably think too.This is wrong and we need to stop if we want medicine so much then why don't we test ourselves. Animals get sprayed in their eyes for moisturiser and have medicine shoved down their throats sometimes killing them and distorting in many ways.

And pets in homes getting treated like dirt. I've seen a horse so skinny you can see its ribs markings on its back showing where is has been wiped and beaten countless times.I personally don't think family's with young children should have pets because my nephew thought it was a great idea to throw a kitten in the bin for the day