Monday 8 June 2015

Safe or sorry

I think that there should not be a limit for screen time  and that the person that is having the screen time should decide.You can get obese witch is quite bad but all the other things do not make sense like if you have to much screen time you wont be able to sleep so on and so  on.And limiting yourself to screen time is just an idiotic idea has we are advancing   in technology and its becoming a big part of our lives.But at the same time I really think we need to be out and active Otherwise we will get  unhealthy and depressed.When we were cavemen we ran around to get food we hunted but now we just pick up the phone and food comes while we sit and play Call of duty ADVANCED WARFARE.I really think we should keep having screen time but we need to stop using screen time for something to blame on.We need to have more activeness throughout our lives I agree Otherwise we might become the disastrous species that killed themselves off with Screens.Luckily that's not the case and we are doing all right at this time all doe new Zealand has a high obesity rate that we need to stop.Overall this is my opinion and this does not have to change you’re s this is just what I think and what I believe in. Thanks For READING  and I will be making a new post soon

By Davin Matthews


  1. Good work again and yea Call of Duty Advance warfare is a really fun game But I don't agree with your opinion. I know you and if its up to the person to decide you would probably say 24/7. And you need to work on you spaces like after a fullstops is a space and the word is not spelt you're s. But I Also agree that we should be more active and not sit on our but all day. Also it so on not so on Mabby cheek what you have written a bit better.

    Kind Regards William

  2. Good post Davin. Some tidying up of spelling, punctuation and grammar required. If you ask a question in your writing remember to put a question mark (?). William has commented on other punctuation in his piece above.

    You could have researched online and found studies that supported your opinion - this would not have taken that long as there is plenty out there.
