Thursday 27 August 2015

Act of kindness that does not cost

An act of kindness is to help people in need or maybe not even that to sum it up  a act of kindness is doing something for someone or something that is helpful.I think that a good way to show kindness that does not cost is to help people in need like someone hurt, you could like ring the ambulance for someone in need or it. Or you could help a old person do her shopping or things like that. You could look after you ness or sibling or someone  that is younger then you. Maybe you could bake some cookies for people at the retirement home I also think maybe just saying hello to someone that is feeling down or chatting with them.Just helping someone in need is mainly what you could do.Maybe letting people playing a sport game that you a playing.The one that I would do is helping someone being bullied and standing up for them because they cant do it themselves and also sticking with your friend  and not ditching them and also helping with someone who is stuck on a maths question or something like that.You could even just help someone that is having trouble with walking because they have a injury and you could help them.

Thursday 13 August 2015

What subject I think we will not be learning in 50 years

I don't think we will be learning how to use computers because by that time I think virtual reality would have been made by then. Where things can be done by voice command and by thinking. I also think we wont need to read because maybe there will be something that reads to us like emails or books . I think we will be learning in 50 years is how to engineer machines like cars or motorbikes or we might be learning how to drive at a earlier age. We might be taught how to grow plants properly or how to cut down trees. Maybe we might be learning how to fire a gun if a war is going on. Or PE Or how to put a gas mask on. We could be learning how to talk to a computer to paint. Or we could be taught how to get a collateral on call of duty 24. And there might be different schools for the career that parents want there children to have like Engineer school or IT school. There could even be a hunting school where kids learn to hunt and survive in the wilderness. There could be House designing at primary school. Self-defence could be taught at all schools. I don't think we will be learning how to maths because there might be a new thing that we have to learn at school like how to build and paint buildings or walls. But we will never know what we will learn in the future until it is the future.

 By Davin

My opinion for tech day

For tech day I think we should have a character dress up day where you can dress up as anyone be it a game movie show book whatever you want. You can bring accessories for your character like if I was Altair from assassins creed I could bring a plastic hidden blade or if I was dressed up as a soldier I would bring what a soldier had you get the deal. There will be no judging who's got the best costume because that just ruins the fun. It should be a free day where you can do what you please when you please. Games like flag attack and tackle bulrush can be played Football Whatever the choice is yours. I think this is a good idea to have this day because it involves us getting outside instead of like staying and watching a movie and it also does not involve us bringing too much to school.