Thursday 25 June 2015


Matariki is the name given to the Maori new year it starts mid winter or may or late June. Matariki means eyes of god or little eyes.Maori's often share a kai for celebration of a new year.Often big shows will happen because of matariki and people will stay up late to see the stars.Lots of myths and legends have been made about these stars but really there just stars.In the past people have seen stars and named them off themselves and some can appair in cool variations and constellations these can look like animals and mythical creatures these can sometimes be the start of a story that has been past down the ages as a legend.These storys can have an affect on a society and has a big affect on children.Matariki is about family getting together and celebrating the new year this can be fun as it brings family closer then they were before and making them happier all tho  matariki has not been made a public holiday it is still a very important thing to the people living in new zealand.Matariki is also quite fun for kids to learn about as they probably believe in the legends.With out a new year some peaple may loose hope especially farmers as they need the production.Matariki also celebrates lives of family that have past away over the years it can be an emotional event for some people.Over all matariki is a fun activity for family's all do my family don't really do it.
By davin          

Monday 8 June 2015

Safe or sorry

I think that there should not be a limit for screen time  and that the person that is having the screen time should decide.You can get obese witch is quite bad but all the other things do not make sense like if you have to much screen time you wont be able to sleep so on and so  on.And limiting yourself to screen time is just an idiotic idea has we are advancing   in technology and its becoming a big part of our lives.But at the same time I really think we need to be out and active Otherwise we will get  unhealthy and depressed.When we were cavemen we ran around to get food we hunted but now we just pick up the phone and food comes while we sit and play Call of duty ADVANCED WARFARE.I really think we should keep having screen time but we need to stop using screen time for something to blame on.We need to have more activeness throughout our lives I agree Otherwise we might become the disastrous species that killed themselves off with Screens.Luckily that's not the case and we are doing all right at this time all doe new Zealand has a high obesity rate that we need to stop.Overall this is my opinion and this does not have to change you’re s this is just what I think and what I believe in. Thanks For READING  and I will be making a new post soon

By Davin Matthews